Thursday, May 10, 2012

Enter the Peoples' Critic

Welcome my comrades! Has the bourgeois in Hollywood and book publishers been crushing your spirit as you toil away like a good proletarian? Do you see your children looking at movies and TV, and dreaming of all the things the slave masters in power want them to dream of, only to dangle those dreams in front on them as they work harder and harder for less and less? Then the Peoples' Critic is here to help. As a champion of the proletariat, I will reveal the capitalist plots that plague media to brainwash your children! My sharpened eye will identify the fine examples of freedom and equality, and denounce the capitalist pig dogs for their savage oppression. In the workers' paradise, all are equal. And so I ask the people to help me by suggesting works that I should pay special attention to. As your entertainment commissar, I shall work to guide you in your media experiences!

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